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Our Stone Cleaning Specialists Restore the Beauty of a Travertine Floor in Beaufort

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January 13, 2024

Travertine floors never fail to catch people's attention. They bring a classic feel to even the most modern settings, so it's no wonder that the popularity of travertine has grown among homeowners from all walks of life. A Beaufort resident had always loved showing off her living room area, primarily because of its beautiful travertine floor. Because of this, seeing dirt sticking to the stone despite all her cleaning efforts was particularly upsetting.

Travertine Floor Before and After a Stone Cleaning in Beaufort
After trying the cleaning products she'd used for years, the homeowners used some homemade cleaners on the floor. Nothing seemed to work; there were dark specks all over the tiles, and the dirt had turned the grout lines several shades darker. The homeowner got more concerned with each day that went by without a solution, so she decided to get insight from a professional. She found Sir Grout of the Lowcountry online and contacted us via our "Schedule a Free Quote" button after reading about our stone cleaning in Beaufort .

As per her request, our specialists went to her home a few days later to conduct their evaluation of the floor. They saw traces of dirt all over the surface, with soil embedded in the stone tiles and most of the grout. They also noticed that parts of the grout could use some repairs, particularly in areas that were slightly cracked. When asked about her cleaning habits, the client told our crew that she'd used chemical cleaners on the floor, as well as a mix of vinegar and water when her store-bought products yielded no results. Our specialists explained to the client that stone surfaces don't fare well with being exposed to the harsh ingredients in generic cleaners. These chemicals make it easier for dirt to seep through the stone, and they accelerate the deterioration of the surface after gradually weakening the sealant.

Luckily, Sir Grout's equipment could leave both tiles and grout looking as good, so our specialists offered to seal the stone after removing all the stains and fixing the damage on the grout. Relieved by their overall assessment, the client scheduled a new appointment with our techs.

Our crew came back later that week with all the necessary tools to complete the restoration. Once inside the house, they began cleaning the travertine with a pH-neutral cleaner and a high-speed scrubber. Our cleaner is an asset for natural stone surfaces because it removes the stains quickly without causing discoloration or wearing down the tiles. It can also be used regularly on sealed floors without affecting the sealant's protection as time goes by.

Later, our techs removed the loose caulk on the grout lines and made the necessary repairs before sealing the grout. They applied a coat of ColorSeal to make the grout look nicer while remaining well protected against soil, mold, mildew, and other external elements. Our sealant is available in multiple colors, so it wasn't hard for our specialists to recolor the grout lines in a way that complimented the travertine's shade.

They sealed the stone after finishing the grout restoration and buffed the floor one last time to bring out the tile's spotless look. The client was delighted when she saw the results. Now that there was no dirt darkening the travertine, the floor made the whole area look brighter and cleaner. The homeowner was happy to have hired the best restoration company in Beaufort and promised to contact us whenever she needed help with other parts of her house.

Before leaving the client's home, our specialists gave her some additional cleaning tips. They first recommended replacing bleach and other generic cleaners with pH-neutral products like Sir Grout's Natural Hard Surface Cleaner. Our product's formula combines high-quality ingredients to remove dirt, soil, spills, fungi, and other stains without wearing down stone surfaces. It's also safer because it doesn't release chemical fumes each time you clean. Travertine floors are vulnerable to scratches, so we recommend using non-abrasive tools like a mop, a towel, or a terry cloth when it comes to wiping any stickiness off the tiles. Our specialists also stressed the importance of keeping optimal indoor ventilation to help preserve hard surfaces against the growth of mold and mildew. The client thanked our specialists once again and promised to keep these tips in mind during her weekly cleaning routine.

Sir Grout of the Lowcountry offers the best hard surface restoration services in Beaufort, from the best equipment to the skillset of the most specialized team. We have years of experience providing the best results for homeowners and businesses in the area, so you can count on us to find a solution for your particular problem. Just call (843) 920-5559 or click on the "Schedule a Free Quote" button on our website to schedule an in-home evaluation. And don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter to learn more about our latest info and promotions.
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